
Welcome to my blog! - To read a post in full - simply click it's title. Originally dubbed My Catholic Blog, it is now also known as My Faith and Life Blog. You have landed on the welcome page! Do not be deceived by the date shown above. That merely tells you that this blog…

The Language of Ethical AI

https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-04/pope-francis-g7-summit-italy-artificial-intelligence.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NewsletterVN-EN Get this!…There's a good reason why people call mathematics a "language" because it is a language - and computational mathematics is essentially a complex communicative tool made up of number series, strings of them to be exact, hence why this article is talking about the Vatican stressing the need for ethics surrounding how us…

Catholic Charities Bureau, The Supreme Court of Wisconsin, and The Cloud with Silver Lining.

https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/catholic-charities-isn-t-religious-so-sayeth-the-wisconsin-supreme-court?utm_campaign=NCR&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--N1XReZIDm8V6uOEQuCqmDICTBmKg5D-VFoofn5rQMkmnLnCU9COwiat6tOC8SUAzhM4R6nR-CaqhLNIB4SuUYxvS9kA&_hsmi=304339729&utm_content=304339729&utm_source=hs_email 👍🤣Too secular!!!? There you have it Michael Warsaw! Just like the St Vincent de Paule Society here in Australia! I mean, if the founder of 'Vinnies', Bl Frederic Oznam could see how it operates here in this country, albeit very "secularly", no spiritual mentoring, no focus on providing any kind of spiritual support to…

A Vital Balance Must Be Struck

https://international.la-croix.com/opinions/dawkins-cultural-christianity-political-theologies-and-the-church-of-pope-francis?at_source=piano&at_medium=email&at_campaign=11588&pnespid=Aacv71NX9npJi16M_ZTMDh9QrEJo0Osqr1hHRLsBOYDK1iC4NPJW19mGsB4I_SSO8p1L8LoYlw There needs to be a balance and this balance means that the traditional European cultural Christianity needs to be reconfigured anew as genuinely welcoming in that true, authentic, Internationalist, Universal spirit of favouring solidarity with other cultural expressions of the Gospel and it also needs to recognize the invaluable indigenous Hebraic cultural contribution to…

“Timorous or Bold”

https://international.la-croix.com/culture/the-passage-of-time?at_source=piano&at_medium=email&at_campaign=11588&pnespid=HbNz8ERctidLzU7P55TCSUVPuh8xxbBxtBxcRqAKIozKsvXr4tf.kOjhdP2gXFRuq3y8hH2f3w "The way we are living, timorous or bold, will have been our life" Seamus Heaney God Forbid!! That is my earnest prayer. It need not be that way - the way that Seamus Heaney declared, as distilled from the cynicism of this quote - our lives 'set frozen in a mould of inertia, unable…

The Harrowing of Hell

The Anastasis (Harrowing of Hell) by Fra Angelico (circa 1440s) ¹ During the year of Our Lord's Passion, the Passover as it was celebrated according to Jewish Tradition was actually celebrated on Holy Saturday. Before His death at Calvary on Good Friday, Jesus celebrated the same Passover with His disciples on the Thursday because He…

The Tenth Station

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5 : 8) Today is Good Friday. The Stations of the Cross is an incredibly powerful meditation that can bring out for us those things and areas in our lives which Jesus is desiring that we understand more deeply, even though perhaps we have understood…

The Bedrock of Experience

While faith can inform the bedrock of our experience, experience in and of itself does not always coincide with or reflect the Truth which faith so ardently professes or upholds. There are, I must say, those experiences which are by and large bitter & futile and therefore present themselves as none other than formidable obstructions…

The Year of the Giant Seahorse

As we come to the end of the Lunar New Year festival, a festival which each year, officially ushers in the new annual cycle of life as it is lived within the sphere of Oriental culture and tradition, it never ceases to amaze me upon reflecting throughout this two-week long adventure, how correlative and superlatively…